KiddiKraft Learning Centre

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How to Help Your Child at Home with Reading


Reading is a foundational skill that opens doors to knowledge, imagination, and lifelong learning. As a parent, you play a crucial role in nurturing your child's love for reading and supporting their literacy development.

Cultivating a Reading-Friendly Environment:

Create a reading-friendly environment at home by setting aside dedicated time for reading and providing access to a variety of age-appropriate books and reading materials. Encourage your child to explore different genres and topics that spark their interest.

Reading Together:

Reading aloud to your child is one of the most effective ways to instil a love for reading and build essential literacy skills. Choose engaging books with vibrant illustrations and captivating stories that capture your child's imagination. Make reading together a special and enjoyable bonding experience.

Encouraging Independent Reading:

Encourage independent reading by letting your child choose books they're interested in and providing opportunities for them to read on their own. Create a cosy reading nook with comfortable seating and good lighting where your child can immerse themselves in books independently.

Making Reading Fun:

Make reading fun and interactive by incorporating activities such as storytelling, acting out scenes from books, or creating art inspired by stories. Use technology to enhance the reading experience with interactive e-books, audiobooks, or educational reading apps.

Celebrating Progress:

Celebrate your child's progress and achievements in reading, no matter how small. Offer praise and encouragement to boost their confidence and motivation to continue exploring the wonderful world of books.


By creating a supportive reading environment, reading together, encouraging independent reading, making reading fun, and celebrating progress, you can help your child develop a lifelong love for reading and set them on the path to academic success and personal enrichment.